Davis strives for excellence in the choice of timbers we select. We often source timber from Australia’s leading suppliers and then design a product around the natural characteristics that are etched in every piece.

Recycled Australian timbers, come from many sources: old factories and warehouses, board walks, bridges and wharfs. Bespoke furniture made from recycled timber has character, unique colours and textures.

Sustainably grown timbers are another excellent option. Timber that is not harvested from old growth forests but is grown commercially and sustainably has a much lower impact on the environment.

Whatever the choice of timber Davis will craft a beautiful piece of furniture designed to last a lifetime.

Listed below are some of the reclaimed or sustainably harvested timbers we use:

Tasmanian Blackwood- Acacia Melanoxylon

Heartwood golden brown, often with narrow bands of darker colour indicative of the growth rings. Sometimes reddish streaks are also present. Grain usually straight but sometimes wavy, producing a fiddleback figure. Also known as Blackwood, Black Wattle.

Tasmanian oak- Eucalyptus Obliqua

Heartwood pale to light brown in colour with a pinkish tinge. Sapwood is pale yellow, usually distinguishable from the heartwood. Texture moderately coarse but even. Grain sometimes interlocked. Growth rings visible but not prominent. Gum veins are common. Also known as Messmate.

Reclaimed Messmate

Timber typically sourced from old warehouses and factories.

Eucalyptus robusta, oblique, exserta.

Trees are affected by wildfires, years of drought and attack by insects. Flood and strong winds stunt their growth with each piece showing nature's signature. Deep red gum veins formed by fire, ambrosia beetle marks, pin holes and squiggly worm marks are all evident. Also known as Southern Blackbutt, Chestnut.

Reclaimed Spotted gum- Timber typically sourced from old bridges wharves and board walks.

Corymbia Maculata, Corymbia Citrodora, Eucalyptus Henryi

Heartwood pale to dark brown or chocolate. Sapwood is distinctively paler but there maybe a zone of intermediate wood. Texture moderately coarse. Grain variable, the frequent presence of wavy grain produces an attractive fiddleback figure. Slightly greasy nature. Gum veins common. Northern material is usually slightly denser, stronger and more durable than southern. Also known as Lemon Scented Gum.

Victorian ash- Eucalyptus Regnans, Eucalyptus Delegatensis

Heartwood pale pink or pale straw. Sapwood not always clearly differentiated. Texture rather coarse. Grain straight. Growth rings conspicuous. Gum veins common. Also known as Mountain Ash, Alpine Ash.

Blackbutt- Eucalyptus Pilularis

Heartwood pale brown, but northern material may sometimes display a slight pinkish tinge. Sapwood distinctively paler. Texture medium and even. Grain usually straight. Gum veins are common.

Red gum- Eucalyptus Camaldulensis, Eucalyptus Rostrata

The heartwood varies according to location in age, from pink to dark red. The grain is interlocked and frequently wavy which produces a fiddleback figure when quarter cut. The texture is close and even. The wood is resinous with frequent gum pockets. The surface is often distinctly mottled. Also known as Murray Red Gum.

Wormy chestnut- Eucalyptus Obliqua, Eucalyptus Sieberi, Eucalyptus Fastigata

Trees are affected by wildfires, years of drought and attack by insects. Flood and strong winds stunt their growth with each piece showing nature's signature. Deep red gum veins formed by fire, ambrosia beetle marks, pin holes and squiggly worm marks are all evident. Also known as Southern Blackbutt, Chestnut.

Jarrah- Eucalyptus Marginata

Heartwood is a rich dark brownish red, sometimes marked by short, dark brown radial flecks on the end grain and boat shaped flecks on flat sawn surfaces which enhance it's decorative value. The grain is usually straight but often interlocked or wavy. The texture is even but moderately coarse. Also known as Western Australian Jarrah.

Iron bark- Eucalyptus Paniculata

Heartwood colour varies from pale brown to dark chocolate brown and also dark red. Texture moderately coarse and even. Grain usually interlocked.

American white oak- Quercus Alba

Similar in colour and appearance to European oak. The sapwood of American white oak is light coloured and the heartwood is light to dark brown. White oak is mostly straight grained with a medium to coarse texture, with longer rays than red oak. White oak therefore has more figure. Also known as Northern White Oak, Southern White Oak.

American walnut- Juglans Nigra

The sapwood is creamy white, heartwood is light brown to dark chocolate brown, occasionally with a purplish cast and darker streaks. Walnut can be supplied steamed, to darken sapwood or left unsteamed. Generally straight grained, but sometimes has attractive wavy or curly grain. Also known as Black Walnut, American Walnut.

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